In case anyone finds it useful when decoding recon data and trying to get an estimate for what it means at the surface, here's a table of dropsonde conversion factors based off of various heights. Just multiply the observed wind at that height and you'll get a surface observation. Note that these are the mean conversion factors; not all hurricanes will fit this mean profile and there are extreme cases where the standard conversion ratios can be off by 10-20% in either direction. Low-level invests are typically flown around 1000ft or 850mb; normal recon flights are flown around 700mb. The graph which this is based off of may be found at http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutwindprofile.shtml. For the eyewall/inner core... 700mb -- 0.91 3000m -- 0.98 2500m -- 1.04 2000m -- 1.06 1500m -- 1.10 850mb -- about 1.12 1000m -- 1.16 500m -- 1.21 1000ft -- 1.20 In the outer vortex, these conversion factors become... 700mb -- 0.78 3000m -- 1.01 2500m -- 1.04 2000m -- 1.05 1500m -- 1.08 850mb -- about 1.08 1000m -- 1.09 500m -- 1.04 1000ft -- 1.00 |