Here's dutchsinse's follow-up video to the one I posted a link for yesterday: YouTube - dutchsinse's Channel , if anyone's interested in 'the rest of the story'. (There's about 40 hours elapsed time between them.) ED - thanks for taking the time to watch and respond, and for the quick NEXRAD lesson. I think, though, that he was referring to NEXRAD sites being used for operating other technology, namely "HAARP" (at extremely high and ultra low frequencies), which causes its own circular signature to appear as aberrant radar returns. I'm guessing that a lot of the oddities he notes in composite radar loops have more to do with this "NOTE: Radar data is susceptible to a phenomena called anomalous propagation. This generally happens at night and appears as an area of 20 dBZ echos centered around each radar site and expands with time. To reduce the problem, low echo values near the radar sites have been removed" than with any conspiracy to modify the weather. But the other element he concerns himself with - scalar waves - are completely beyond my ability to comprehend. There are definitely some inexplicable straight-line phenomena being picked up. If anyone is curious enough to watch the videos and help me out here I'd appreciate it. I'm sure there's some forum it could be discussed in, even if it's 'bad jokes'. srq |