Lamar-Plant City
(Storm Tracker)
Sat Sep 09 2017 09:38 PM
Re: Irma Preparations in Florida - Tips?

Here is something NOT to have happen....preparations are going well. Got boards on my 'lives in Bermuda' neighbors house so I could put one car in their garage. Got half of my boards up (waiting on the north side so I can see out until things turn ugly). Got mom's house battened down and her over here. Plenty of supplies. Then....the garage door breaks this afternoon late. One side cable came off the spool. My neighbor helped my daughter get it up and we didn't worry until an hour ago when we wanted to put it down and it would NOT go....kept slewing sideways and going out of the track. Sent out a plea for help on Facebook and had a couple of people suggest things to do and call. My daughter found a video on YouTube that showed how to get the cable back on the was actually easy...took 10 minutes and we got it down!!! I shudder to think of it stuck up during this hurricane or someone stealing all I have out there in the night! The door guy is coming by early to check it before I try the motor again.....blood pressure returning to near normal....phew!!

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