(Storm Tracker)
Sun Aug 19 2007 09:14 PM
I Got A Call From FEMA???

I just got the oddest automated message left on my cell phone from an 800 number.
I listened to it a zillion times very slowly so I could type it in my post below verbatim - lol:

"This message is for individuals who applied for disaster relief from FEMA between 1998 through 2004.
If you did not receive assistance from FEMA within those years, please disregard this message.
FEMA was recently ordered by a U.S. Court to provide certain newspapers with home addresses of people who applied to FEMA for help with their disaster losses. The court requires FEMA to provide the newspapers with the home addresses of disaster applicants. This message is to inform you that as part of the Court Order, your home address will be released to the newspapers in the next few days. FEMA is not releasing your name or any other personal information, only your address. You will receive a letter from FEMA in the next few days regarding this matter at the last address we have in our records for you. Please understand FEMA is committed to protecting your personal data; however; FEMA must comply with the court order in this case.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you and goodbye."

Sun Aug 19 2007 09:50 PM
Re: FEMA Phone Call??? a way...your post comes at aperfect time. Even though it is not storm specific. Many posters, viewers, and other individuals have sufferred a loss and have called FEMA for assistance. They may receive this call too. Also, it isan unfortunate truth that other may experience a disaster and need to call FEMA for some help to a future event .(Posters, viewers,and likewise)...So this is a good stopping point to familiarize folks with disaster resource links before the US becomes fully engaged in tropical activity (Dean or otherwise), that may be severe enough to require a Federal Disaster Declaration.

For your information, here is the official FEMA website disclosing all of the reasons why FEMA is taking a proactive approach to notify individuals and infom them of their privacy rights (and insure rights are upheld) in light of a recent court decision.


In addition, I reccomend that all individuals become familiar with the FEMA Disaster Assistance Program, and it's guidelines...I believe that this knowledge will help you greatly in understanding any help you may/may not be eligible for after a disaster. Unfortunately, I think many individuals do not understand their level of eligibility, becuase they do not understand the program...And we all have a responsibility in that...From the individual citizen on up. I hope this helps post is informative...

FEMA Website:
Indiviuals and Households Program Guidebook for "Help After a Disaster":

(Storm Tracker)
Sun Aug 19 2007 10:01 PM
I Got A Call From FEMA???

I called FEMA in 2004 after hurricane Jeanne went over my home on the beach on the east coast of Florida; so I am fully aware of how their system works.

And that's the very first thought which occurred to me...the timing of this call today with a near Cat 5 out there.

Additionally, the number which called my cell is 800-621-3362 which is FEMA's disaster relief phone number.

Thanks for your additional remarks and information, demo5.

Unregistered User
Sun Aug 19 2007 11:19 PM
Re: I Got A Call From FEMA???

FEMA to release addresses of aid recipients — after spending $1.1 million to tell them

That is the title of an August 7 headline here in South Florida. The South Florida Sun Sentinel brought a lawsuit against FEMA because they are trying to investigate massive waste and fraud in disaster aid.
In 2004 FEMA gave out millions of dollars in aid to residents of Miami-Dade County for Hurricane Frances. I am in Ft. Lauderdale; about 50 miles south of the real damage caused by Francis. We lost power but that was it. Broward was up and running within a week having suffered only slight tree and power damage. Sadly, millions of dollars were awarded to individuals in Miami Dade another 40 miles south of me. Our local paper wanted to ask them about it...not disclosing any names publicly but FEMA wouldn't give their addresses. Sunsentinel won the suit and as of August 14 the court required Fema to start handing over the records. Thats why FEMA is calling you coincidences. The worst part of this is FEMA now says it will cost them over a Million to contact everyone? WHAT?

(Weather Hobbyist)
Mon Aug 20 2007 07:45 AM
Re: I Got A Call From FEMA???

Above is a link to an article that appeared in the Fort Myers News-Press. The News-Press was also a party to the litigation to require FEMA to release info about those who filed claims. If you search for FEMA on the News-Press site you will find some of the earlier stories.

(Weather Watcher)
Mon Aug 20 2007 10:14 AM
Re: I Got A Call From FEMA???

We received one of these calls last week, too. We didn't receive much from FEMA, in fact they only paid toward the generator my husband bought a few days before Charley hit us (even though it wasn't supposed to hit here!!!) But I understand why everyone is upset about the people receiving benefits who lived in areas totally unaffected by any of the storms. Jerks.

twizted sizter
(Weather Guru)
Mon Aug 20 2007 07:08 PM
Re: I Got A Call From FEMA???

You know I wasn't aware of this till I saw your post. Lo & behold I received a letter from them today. Detailed what you stated as well as in the suit the papers had requested not only names & addressess but SS#s, dates of birth, & full names, dollar amount given, & inspection data.The judge settled on just addressess.
The addresses will be published in The News Press& Pensacola News Journal as well as the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
I think it's terrible the way those in Dade county scammed well as anyone else who took advantage of the situation. I remember reports of people hosing down the insides of their homes just to collect. The FEMA rep who checked out our damage was very helpful & even directed us to more aid after Charley left his mark. We declined...already had a generator for years...was the neighborhood coffee spot. till more generators were available..& just needed some help with the damage caused by the massive oak that slid down the front of the house taking the roof with it.We were luckier than most & fortunate to have repairs done before Francis & Jeanne visited shortly thereafter.
Funny there was also alot of talk of the scams pulled after Katrina.This only applies to the years 1998-2004.

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