Current Storm Spotlight:

Satellite Image of the Tropical Atlantic (Western)
National Weather Service Local Storm Statements/Advisories


Associated Press Hurricane News


From Gary Gray:

Experimental Graphic output from Trantech Model

The only official forecast is the purple NHC forecast, all others are unofficial and experimental. The "Red" Ensemble graph is the "best guess", the bluish NHC is the official forecast from the Hurricane center, all others are different experimental forecast models. Do not use this to make life or death decisions, it is only for experimentation. It is no substitute for local authorities and official weather from the National Weather Service. The further away in time the forecast the more the margin of error grows, so whatever you do, don't take this map as the final word. I also recommend clicking on the picture and then going to model discussion to get a discussion on the thoughts of the creator of the models. These maps are updated around 8pm Every night.

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