Post-Tropical Cyclone Bertha (2020)
05/28 11:00 AM EDT - Extratropical Bertha Moving North Toward Canada
40.8N 80.2W
Windspeed: 25 MPH - Pressure: 1012mb
Movement: N at 30 MPH
Return to main page for commentary and more information
Public Storm Advisory Bertha B C Dvorak T-Numbers TAFB ssd UW-CIMSS
Governmental Storm Discussion Bertha B C
Forecast Advisory Bertha B
The letters B C D and so on stand for alternate information sites, in case one is inoperative during a internet swamping for storm info you can try another. These advisories come from the National Hurricane center: Usually they are updated at 5AM, 11AM, 5PM and 11PM eastern.
When land areas are under a hurricane watch, it is updated every 3 hours.
Tropical Tidbits Info Page for Bertha - Weather Underground Wundermap - NHC Interactive Map Plot
Buoy Reports Near Bertha - CIMSS Data for Bertha - RAMMB Info and Satellites for Bertha
Potential Storm Surge Flooding Map (Inundation) - NHC Track Map (See this animated)
National Hurricane Center 7 Day Plot for Bertha.
National Hurricane Center 7 Day Experimental Plot for Bertha. Most Likely Time of Arrival of Tropical Storm Force Winds

National Hurricane Center Hurricane Wind Probabilities for Bertha National Hurricane Center Hurricane Wind Probabilities for Berthafa
CIMSS Animated Satellite:

Weather Underground Animated Radar: See this plot animated
Satellite (IR/Vis) Loop IR, Loop Vis:
Satellite (Water Vapor) Loop WV:
The Following Graphic is from Clark Evans and the University of Wisconsin See This animated)

Coordinate History

Adv# Date Lat Long Wind Pres Movement Type Name Received Forecaster
105/27 8:30 AM32.7N79.4W45MPH1009mbNw at 9 MPHTSBertha05/27 8:09 AMBrennan
205/27 11:00 AM33.3N79.5W50MPH1005mbN at 15 MPHTSBertha05/27 10:39 AMLatto/beven
2A05/27 2:00 PM33.7N80.2W35MPH1007mbNnw at 15 MPHTDBERTHA05/27 1:52 PMLatto
305/27 5:00 PM34.4N80.3W30MPH1008mbNnw at 15 MPHTDBERTHA05/27 4:48 PMBeven
405/27 11:00 PM36.0N80.5W30MPH1009mbN at 23 MPHTDBERTHA05/27 10:45 PMRoth
605/28 11:00 AM40.8N80.2W25MPH1012mbN at 30 MPHPTCBertha05/28 8:46 PMCarbin