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News Talkback >> 2004 News Talkbacks

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Posts: 3527
Loc: Hattiesburg,MS (31.3N 89.3W)
Re: New Graphics [Re: Ricreig]
      #34623 - Fri Dec 03 2004 12:41 AM

Thanks for the PM and kind words Richard. I'm still experimenting with the NHC suggestion idea. I didn't realize you had ALL those credentials. Well they are in a great place. With you.
I've been reading the last 48hours of posts and I have decided that I too will keep up with next year's hurricane season through CFHC and the NHC. Mike and John have really set up a very good site here. Not only can you get information here you can add your input to the posts. Unlike a lot of the "Official" sites.

Ed, Coop, Hank and Phil. You guys are tremendous. Thanks for the input, information and intelligence you've given us during TSFH [ tm LiPhil ]. To Jonathon, AKA Skeetobite, your maps ROCK! . To the meteorologists (mets), we have all learned more about tropical systems than we could possibly learn elsewhere. Although most of us would rather learn while the storms Stay out to sea.
To those of you that PMed me during the long nights of storm tracking. Thank you for your humor, information and insight.

Hope everyone can enjoy the next 6 months.
Stay warm and visit CFHC often.
Don't forget to give your comments to NHC/TPC regarding the new graphics suggestions.

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Posts: 431
Loc: Orlando, Fl
Re: New Graphics [Re: danielw]
      #34624 - Fri Dec 03 2004 11:57 AM


Thanks for the PM and kind words Richard. I'm still experimenting with the NHC suggestion idea. I didn't realize you had ALL those credentials. Well they are in a great place. With you.

Well, you have to do *something* if you are going to live as long as I have

Don't be a stranger here. I plan on checking in here every so often. Someone said that this board is mostly about tropical weather, but, weather is weather regardless if it starts in the Azores or in the Yucon, when it gets here, causes wind, water, lightning or abnormal temps, I'm still interested. Besides, I'll get to see some of the new changes I'm sure Ed and the gang are working on.

Regardless of your recommendations to the NHC regarding their graphics, don't let it slip, and your comments regarding how they decide what, and how much course changes are depicted, is right on. This "well the storm is now moving south at 25 miles per hour, and our current forecast shows north at 50, but we'll just show it as EAST, drifting because we don't want to change the forecast too rapidly" mentality is, I agree, in need of some thought by the NHC.

Take care all, check in frequently even if just to say Hi...

A forecast is NOT a promise!

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