Random Chaos
Weather Analyst
Posts: 1024
Loc: Maryland
This has been happening for almost 2 weeks now. I'm wondering if anyone has an idea as to why. Whenever I load or reload a page on FLHurricane.com my DSL router somtimes resets itself. This doesn't happen with any other websites. I'm thinking that one of the image servers could be sending bad packets, but I can't seem to track it down. I'm pretty sure it isn't the main server since the main page almost always loads before the router crashes. So, any ideas?
Random Chaos
Weather Analyst
Posts: 1024
Loc: Maryland
Ok, I tracked down the culprit:
The source of our favicon.ico file...now lets hope that only 1 image server was a problem. I'll know tomorrow evening for sure - the crashes only happen during a few hour interval in the evenings. The rest of the day and night they don't happen. Wierd...
Weather Hobbyist
Posts: 97
Loc: Parrish florida
sometimes when I click on links on the main page I get a message that internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Its also only on this site. I dont know if this is related or not. Kinda strange.
Posts: 4635
Loc: Orlando, FL
I haven't been able to figure that one out. I think it's a bug in the way Internet Explorer handles css stylesheets.
The front page is pure css, with no tables for layout (mainly because it uses much less bandwidth than tables). It uses some tricks to get things to display correctly, some of them don't like IE it seems. I'm working on tweaking it.
Random Chaos
Weather Analyst
Posts: 1024
Loc: Maryland
I've never encountered any issues with CSS and IE before, and, while at home and work I mainly use Firefox, I do web application development so I have to test everything in IE too. Looking through your CSS code, I suspect the culprit is a single line:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=gray,direction=135);
It is in http://image4.flhurricane.com/cyclone/stylesheets/flhurricane.css and is the only non-standard CSS item in there that I could see, plus, since it calls DirectX stuff, is a likely culprit to crash on some systems and not others.
Posts: 4635
Loc: Orlando, FL
It was a bug in the way IE handles the overflow tag under certain circumstances, ie interaction between relative positioning and absolute positioning. What's interesting is that it causes an overflow in ie so it probably qualifies as a potential security bug.
There are plenty of css issues in IE, in this site alone I've run into and had to create workarounds for:
auto margin handling, float peekaboo, expanding boxes,. incorrect width calculations on dhtml (This one really bugs me), line height and replace miscalculations, semi random doubling of float margins, and apparant phantom boxes. All of which are in the general css spec, but have problems in IE.