On "line"/row #4 of the main page header, the text element which begins "# of days since last Hurricane Landfall ..." overlaps two other page elements -- on the right, it overlaps the element "Recent News", and on the left (unless the window is made much, much wider than usual), overlaps the element "Weather Statements for Selected Locations [ Customize Locations ]".
Move the text element "# of days since ..." up one "row", to sit off to the right of the element "[UID] LOGOUT [Search_button]"
Method: the CSS update to accomplish that move appears to be to change "top:" of "#lastcaneline" from 43px to 23px.
+ Bob K.
text-align: right;
float: right;
top: 26px; #43px;
right: 110px;
color: white;
z-index: 324;
font-size: 80%;