Storm Tracker
Posts: 371
Loc: Orlando, Florida
Hey Guys, I think i posted this maybe last year, but i thought it was funny enough to post again for those who may not have seen it.
This is really for Floridians, but it's funny enough to pass on to those who want to vicariously experience the dread!!!!!
We're about to enter the peak of the hurricane season. Any day now, you're going to turn on the TV and see a weather person pointing to some radar blob out in the Gulf of Mexico and making two basic meteorological points:....
...Remainer of column removed at the request of Dave Barry. You can find out more from the Miami Herald. - Mike C.
Edited by MikeC (Wed Jun 14 2006 07:37 PM)
LI Phil
Posts: 2637
Loc: Long Island (40.7N 73.6W)
Hey Jamie Weather:
Don't normally respond to the joke section, but that wuz funnie. O'course, I don't live in FLA, so it doesn't quite hit home but still funny nonetheless.
Here's one for you:
What's the common bond here: a twister in Kansas, a hurricane in Florida and a divorce in Arkansas:
Somebody's fixin' to lose themselves a trailer!
-------------------- 2005 Forecast: 14/7/4
"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"
Weather Guru
Posts: 154
Loc: United States
I did see this last year, but thanks for posting it again. I think it is really funny.....:)
-------------------- "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of
thinking we were at when we created them"
..........Albert Einstein
Weather Master
Posts: 576
Loc: Gloucestershire, England, UK
I've only just seen this, and it is very funny! Thanks for posting it again!
Storm Tracker
Posts: 221
Loc: Central, Florida
Haha Li Phil that was great! I never heard that one before lol.
Here's one for you:
What's the common bond here: a twister in Kansas, a hurricane in Florida and a divorce in Arkansas:
Somebody's fixin' to lose themselves a trailer!
-------------------- Patrick
God Bless America
Be proud of your Country!
Storm Tracker
Posts: 366
Loc: USA
i've never seen that before either. very funny
Posts: 3527
Loc: Hattiesburg,MS (31.3N 89.3W)
Thats really funny. Especially if you are from the South.
I got one for you.
What song was playing in the Recon plane this morning?
My Bonnie lies over the ocean----------aarg that's bad
Hey the 'C' storm this year wouldn't happen to be Clyde now would it?
Edited by danielw (Wed Aug 04 2004 07:46 AM)
Verified CFHC User
Posts: 13
John In Alabama
thanks for the laughs. We need them now as we are in the porjected path of
Thanks again
LI Phil
Posts: 2637
Loc: Long Island (40.7N 73.6W)
What did 'Jeanne' say to the coconut tree....????
Hold onto your nuts..because .this isnt going to be an ordinary blow job!!!!!
-------------------- 2005 Forecast: 14/7/4
"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"
Weather Hobbyist
Posts: 70
Loc: Palm Bay
30 Things Hurricanes & & Have Taught Us !! 

1. An oak tree on the ground looks four times bigger than it did
standing up.
2. Even after all these years it is still nice to spend time with Col. Mustard in the ballroom with the lead pipe.
3. When house hunting look for closets with lots of leg room.
4. Water from the shower is much colder than water from the kitchen sink--- and tastes just as bad.
5. AA, C and D are the only alphabet we need ( batteries )
6. The four-way stop is still an ingenious reflection of civility
7. Radio can be the best way to watch television.
8. Chain-saw wielding men are nothing to be afraid of.
9. SUV's are the best makeshift tents on the market.
10. You can use your washing machine as a cooler.
11. It's your God given right to sit on your back porch and eat Chinese takeout by candlelight in your underwear.
12. We shouldn't complain about "useless" tools in the garage-- we actually DO need a generator
13. You can' t spell "priceless" without I-C-E.
14. Downed power lines make excellent security systems.
15. Lake Eola can generate waves.
16. Gasoline is a value at any price
17. Cell phones: Breaking up isn't hard to do.
18. The life blood of any disaster recovery is COFFEE
19. The need for your dog to go out and take care of business is inversely proportional to the severity of the storm.
20. Candlelight is better than Botox--- it takes years off your
21. Air Conditioning: BEST. INVENTION. EVER.
22. Water is a comfort food. But 3-day-old Cheetos are too.
23. Shadow animals on the wall---still fun.
24. No matter how hard the wind blows, roadside campaign signs will survive.
25. You should never admit to having power at your house in the presence of co- workers or neighbors who do not.
26. There's a plus to having NOTHING in the refrigerator.
27. Getting through the day should be an Olympic event.
28. The movie theater can be a most pleasant place, even if the feature is Alien vs. Predator.
29. Somebody's got it worse.
30. Somebody's got it better. Obviously, they are getting preferential treatment.
-------------------- Survived: Mitch '98-Charley's crossing'04-Frances '04-Jeanne'04 Survived near fatal fear from Floyd's threat.
Nearly grew gills with Fay'08