Weather Watcher
Posts: 33
Loc: Richmond Hill, GA
With the lull, I went outside around my house to assess the situation. I went through and with no visible roof damage (I did have 2 leaks from "invisible" damage). This time, things are much worse. The first thing I noticed outside were my roof shingles lying all over the lawn. I now have some serious roof damage that will require ANOTHER insurance claim. Since I already lost my entire backyard fence to , I expected there would be no more damage there. Sigh....... There is a creek running behind my property which is normally a tiny trickle. This thing is now a raging river over 20 feet wide. The water has eroded the bank (where my fence USED to sit) and the land has now tilted away from my swimming pool into the creekbed, leaving a large crevice between my pool deck and the unstable land behind. I have NO idea how that can be fixed. It looks like a slab of land roughly five feet wide running the length of my property will be falling off into the water, leaving the side wall of my pool exposed.
One of the few remaining trees in the backyard came down this morning and landed on my neighbor's fence 
All in all, not a good looking situation...a lot of damage, but thankfully no one is hurt. --Lou
Good Lord! I'm so sorry, Lou. Thank God you and your family are okay. I heard on the news that it may take up to a month to get all the power restored in FL. I know that GA has workers that will be on the way to help FL get the juice flowing again as soon as the storm is over.
I agree, the last loop sure looks like what's left of the eye is going more north and closer to orlando
Weather Guru
Posts: 132
Loc: Ocala, Florida
Lost power at 4pm. Now on generator power. For good karma I ran a line into my neighbor's house. At least they can run the refirgerator and a light off it.
Winds 25, gusting to 45. Pressure down to 28.96! Still dropping evidently.
Stay safe all.
Weather Watcher
Posts: 33
Loc: Richmond Hill, GA
One thing is for sure. Jeanne is not headed into the GOM.
I had some simular damage from Charlie - not to the extent you have. But, my cement pool deck pulled away from my pool. My insurance company said "ground water damage is not covered" apparently only those homeowners with a policy tthat includes flood insurance was covered. Or course that is just my insurance company, hopefully you will be more fortunate. I repaired my damage for about $600 (I did the work myself.) Looks like the wind is finally starting to die down a little here over by UCF, what a long day.....
Thing are not good in Lakeland, 60% + without power as near as I can tell. Many old growth trees down, many roads are blocked. The infrastructure around town seems to be holding up with the exception of traffic lights...about 55% + off and 15% down or destroyed. I-4 is almost empty, so if you can make it there you can make it anywhere....
Rich B
British Meteorologist
Posts: 498
Loc: Gloucestershire, England, UK
Hey guys,
too busy to post much, but looks like Jeanne has been yet another monster storm for Florida. My wishes go out to all of you who have been and may yet be afected by this one. Keep safe!
Kind regards
-------------------- Rich B
SkyWarn UK
I live on the east side of Lake Down on a peninsula surrounded by water on 3 sides........and VERY low! My dock's been under since and the deck was 1/3 under as of Thurs afternoon when I left. Anyone have a clue as to the water levels in the lakes? I'm stuck in Dallas praying for no more damages but can't get out till Tues AM! Any info is appreciated. Thanks for this site! You all have been giving me some much needed answers since .
Good luck all!!
Storm Chaser
Posts: 921
Loc: 40.7N/73.3W Long Island
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop by and post this link on the size comparsion between and , there's no
There's no Jeanne but it sure is a cool picture, also just another page to bookmark
Excellent in every way for every basin, go check it out!
-------------------- "I became insane with horrible periods of sanity"
Edgar Allan Poe
Edited by Keith234 (Sun Sep 26 2004 06:03 PM)
Registered User
Posts: 1
Loc: Daytona Beach
No homeowners insurance company in FL covers flood in a homeowners policy. Let me qualify that (mobile homes) are sometimes covered for flood as they are personal property, not real property. Flood is a separate policy underwritten by NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program, a US GOV prog) and written by a WYO (write your own) ins co. All losses are paid by the Nfip Program. Additionally, ground movement, shrinking swelling, hydrostatic pressure is excluded from both a flood policy and a homeowners policy. In FL, by State statute, sinkholes ARE covered, IF covered property is damaged. Remember, insurance companies cover your dwelling, contents and other structures - not your land. Also certain perils are excluded (earth movement for one). Only possible way to get the pool loss covered is that it is the result of a sinkhole!! To help with this explanation, in states with earthquake exposure, an earthquake(ground movement) policy is available.
Storm Cooper
Posts: 1290
Loc: Panama City , FL
Try this link.
-------------------- Hurricane Season 2017 13/7/1
Storm Chaser
Posts: 921
Loc: 40.7N/73.3W Long Island
The African Wave train has virtually stopped, the is dieing out and everything is starting to cool down. Maybe this could be our last tropical cyclone!
-------------------- "I became insane with horrible periods of sanity"
Edgar Allan Poe
LI Phil
Posts: 2637
Loc: Long Island (40.7N 73.6W)
Yup! We're done for the season. See you all next year!
-------------------- 2005 Forecast: 14/7/4
"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"
Storm Chaser
Posts: 921
Loc: 40.7N/73.3W Long Island
I would love to say that, but the secondary peak in October has yet to occur who knows what that will bring?
-------------------- "I became insane with horrible periods of sanity"
Edgar Allan Poe
Master of Maps
Posts: 298
Loc: Lakeland, FL
We're all alive and well. I'm on "gulp"... dial up. No power, no cable tv, no high speed internet and no fried chicken.
Drove the area. Mostly old growth trees in the streets, on houses and power lines. Guess about 80% of the city is without power.
Drove Colleen's neighborhood (not sure if she checked in). Same type of damage, plus a ton of pool cages on the wrong side of the house.
People don't seem to know about a 4 way stop..
Saving the batteries... more to come.
Storm Cooper
Posts: 1290
Loc: Panama City , FL
Fried chicken.... we never think about the fried chicken....until we can't get it
-------------------- Hurricane Season 2017 13/7/1
LI Phil
Posts: 2637
Loc: Long Island (40.7N 73.6W)
Thanks for the post skeeter...dial up...what's that?
Colleen has not checked in, and while I am concerned, it is probably that she is just without power...and exhaustion. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the "longtimers" who haven't checked in are without power or sleeping...
Skeet, thanks for all your graphics...(and your service to the USA but that's another story altogether); you've enabled thousand upon thousands to deal with the season from hell a little easier!
-------------------- 2005 Forecast: 14/7/4
"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"
Weather Watcher
Posts: 33
Loc: Richmond Hill, GA
Fried chicken.... we never think about the fried chicken....until we can't get it
You just had to say that, didn't you Skeet and Coop? Now I've got a craving for some mouth watering fried chicken dammit. I wonder if I have time to fry some up before Jeanne knocks out my power here in GA? Oh what the hell, I'm a gambler. I'll give it a shot.
Weather Guru
Posts: 132
Loc: Ocala, Florida
We've had our highest wind gusts in the last hour. No official readings but certainly pushing 60mph in a few. Rain has about stopped, but the wind continues, now coming out of the SE. Pressure is finally rising from 28.94.
I'm certainly tired of this season. I hope it's over! Two hits in a year and two real scares are quite enough for me.
Be safe all. I'm going to watch football and have a beer and forget about today. I bet that's more than most will be doing in my area.
Weather Hobbyist
Posts: 95
Loc: Apopka, FL
As the emergency person at our office, I had to go from Apopka to downtown Orlando and back.
Damage is much more widespread than the other two storms, but most of the damage is confined to signs, awnings and the such. There are not as many trees down as , but there seems to be more power out and more lights out than .
Other than that, not that difficult to manuver, as long as everyone remembers the four way stops.
The Dunkin Donuts/baskin robins on Edgewater in College Park is open, along with convenience stores on Forest City Road just south of Maitland Blvd and at the corner of West Lake Brantley and State Road 436. Didn't see any gas stations open.