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Posts: 1
My friend (she lives in Sarasota) and I have been jokingly saying we need a Hurricane Cookbook. When I first moved to FL, in 98, I was treated to Georges and another one, though I've forgotten the name. As a result, I have always stocked up at the start of the season. No Hurricane Amnesia at my house.
Still, for people who have had to go weeks and weeks without electricity... maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. 
As we tossed the idea around, we realized that we ought to write a book, interviewing people about their experiences and gathering great tips for protecting yourself, family, home, valuables, etc.
For instance, I heard a great tip: put your computer in your dishwasher if you evacuate without it. Hadn't thought of that. My own habit of filling wash tub with water to use for cleaning and flushing the commode is often greeted with "oh, gee, never thought of that!" I imagine there are lots of good ideas out there for preparing for, surviving, and cleaning up after a storm.
I figured we could do it and self publish, donating the profits to a hurricane charity, places like this site, and/or disaster relief funds.
What does everyone think?
Storm Tracker
Posts: 226
Loc: Texas
Sounds interesting.
As to putting the computer in the dishwasher... I'm no expert... but if it floods do the drains ever back up into the dishwasher???
If I had to ever evac, I'd try to at least take my tower with me - if not the whole computer... and if I couldn't take the tower I'd take the hard drives out and put them in a tupperware container. And take those with me.
My personal evac nightmare would involve my photographs... I have tens of thousands of negs and photos ...
Souinds like you have the makings of a very interesting book!
Posts: 3527
Loc: Hattiesburg,MS (31.3N 89.3W)
You got my vote!