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Archives 2010s >> 2015 News Talkbacks

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Posts: 4635
Loc: Orlando, FL
Flhurricane starts the 20th Year
      #95384 - Thu Jan 01 2015 12:32 AM

2015 marks the 20th year flhurricane has been tracking storms, and with a 9 year Florida hurricane drought, we hope we can make it the 10th consecutive season without a landfalling hurricane.

Flhurricane started as an offshoot of the outdoor sportsman BBS in 1995 and quickly became its own entity. The domain name flhurricane happened in 1998, and we started archiving in 1996. We were among some of the first hurricane sites around, and started with the blog/news format in 1996.

To mention some others back then, Jim Williams at Hurricane City was also one of the first internet sites to cover hurricanes nearly exclusively and is also still going strong, Jim started with the real audio broadcasts back when it was new. Some newspapers started forums that splintered off into their own things (storm2k) and others. Some of the others back in the early days were Snonut, Erik Blake from Atlantic Tropical Weather Center (who now works at the National Hurricane Centeri Gary Gray from Millennium Weather was one of the first to bring hurricane models to the masses, including his own Trantech model at the time.. And Jeff Masters/Weather Underground was still forming then.

Since then some other very great authors and sites have come, and a few are still around.

With Katrina and Wilma, 2005 was the busiest year for this site, and that was after the followup from 2004 with the 4 hurricanes that crossed Florida. and we hope to not repeat it. Since then it's been mostly going on our own momentum and gracious donations over the years. It will continue, although the popularity waned a bit, so did the hurricanes, and the time worked on the site.

We also wish to thank all the contributors and moderators over the years!

The 2015 hurricane season starts on June 1st, and runs through November 30th.

More to come this year!

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Weather Analyst

Posts: 1006
Loc: parrish,fl
Re: Flhurricane starts the 20th Year [Re: MikeC]
      #95389 - Fri Jan 16 2015 09:08 AM

Been on this site off and on, mostly on, since 1998. Still the best one out there, IMO.


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