1953 may have been 14/6/4, with 6 U.S. landfalls, but (unless I'm reading the map wrong), only one was a CAT 1 at landfall. All others were TS or less. (Please correct me if I'm wrong). I guess that's good news, in that there was not a lot of destruction/deaths. I'd need to do some more research to truly form an opinion (i.e. 2001 Allison was "only" a TS, but she sure did put a world of hurt on Houston).
Other than 1953, do you see any other analogs? And do you think 95L has any kind of shot at development? Thanks.
LI Phil
95L - very little chance - it would probably take the system at least two days to organize - by then, the wind shear will settle the question.
Barbara - Cat II (90 knots) at landfall
Florence - Cat I (70 knots) at landfall
Other analogs are 1990 and 2003, but the pattern is poor for 1990 (although ENSO is good) and marginal for 2003. I think that 1953 is the best analog.
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