Indeed it is - here is the amended flight plan of the day:
I. ATLANTIC REQUIREMENTS 1. REMNANTS OF TROPICAL DEPRESSION TWO.............ADDED FLIGHT ONE.....ADDED FLIGHT TWO......ADDED A. 09/1800Z A. 10/0600Z,1200Z B. AFXXX 0302A INVEST B. AFXXX 0402A CYCLONE C. 09/1530Z C. 10/0330Z D. 23.0N 88.0W D. 24.0N 89.5W E. 09/1700Z TO 09/2300Z E. 10/0430Z TO 10/1230Z F. SFC TO 10,000 FT. F. SFC TO 10,000FT.
System still has about three different swirls, so its difficult to pin down a center - at any level. At 18Z I had it at 20.1N 83.6W, but didn't have much luck at 21Z.
For those following the so-called 'sleeper' wave, it still has good structure and an elongated area of circulation - loosely at 10.5N 52.0W at 19Z. Two areas to watch - and both have potential. Cheers, ED
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