Quote: WFTV's Tom Terry already came on before the FSU vs Miami game and more or less said he disagrees with NHC's track. So, that will fuel the fires a bit around here.
Rasvar...what did Tom Terry say about the track? I watched him all last week with Frances and he's a heck of a good forecaster. At 5:30pm he said something to the effect of "I'm beginning to get a little more confident with this track" but not much more. They also run their own model (don't know if it's VIPIR) and that model was dead on with Frances. I'm interested in what he had to say. Jerve and Terry aren't in it for the glory, I truly believe that they have the public's best interests at heart. I can't even imagine what Jamaica must be going through right now. Gosh, I know that no one wants to lose their things, but that's all they are...THINGS...you can replace those, you can't replace your life. The ones I feel sorry for are the little ones whose parents decided not to leave. They must be absolutely terrified. This might not be a politically correct thing to say, but any parent who exposes their chid/children to such a catastrophic storm to save a few "things" (that probably won't be there anyway) need a good smack upside their damned heads. Who's going to be looting with 150mph winds + the gusts and the rain anyway? That being said, I will continue to pray for those who left and those who stayed behind. Especially the children..
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