Re: Eulogia - Also tired of lurking. I'm in Maitland, FL and we had the eye of Charley go right up I-4, and although it was not as difficult as it was for those on the coast, we still had lots of damage in our old, oaklined neighborhood. Silver lining was that everyone, even those who never come out, was out with chainsaws in the early dawn, helping each other clear a path out of the area, which was blocked in many places by large trees. Without power for 5 days, then for 4 more with Frances, when the pool overflowed. We are very blessed that we sustained no damage beyond a dent on the roof of my car from a falling branch, and having to throw food out. Lines for generators and other supplies were impossible after a point. It took a long time to recover mentally from it all. As has been posted and written before - a true "tropical depression."
To those in the cone - we are with you in spirit. Please take very good care.
Very hopeful that Jeanne will just sit and spin with the fishes, I realize from watching this site for the last few weeks that it is way too early to tell but so far it looks like Jeanne will stay in the Atlantic and harm no one.
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