BINGO. The models have not performed well with the H this season; however, intensity wise I think they have done (unfortunately) quite well. If she threads the needle between the two Bahama Island chains, she won't hit land (ala Ivan), therefore there is a chance that instead of losing intensity, she may gain it. How much more can Florida take at this point? My kids think hurricanes are now a weekend thing. My mother is having a cow and a bird because we are/were supposed to leave for Port St. Joe's tomorrow (well, I am anyway) and she had NO IDEA that Jeanne had turned around until I told her. She cancelled it on Sunday to October, then decided on Monday to change it back to this weekend. When I mentioned to her this morning about Jeanne, she said, "I DON'T EVEN WANT TO HEAR IT." Now she just called me and said, "NOW WHAT DO WE DO? HUH? DAMNED JEANNE! YOU SAID IT WAS GOING OUT TO SEA!"
Uh, no, I did NOT. I told her that they thought the Carolinas, but it was too early to tell. So, now it's my fault that the hurricane is headed towards Florida to ruin our week at the beach.
Please, just add a little more stress to my life than I've had in the past month and 1/2. As if I am WISHING for it to head towards my general direction. Now she wants to know what she should do...reschedule it or keep it for this weekend. I told her to do whatever she wants, but if I have a major hurricane coming my way, I'm not leaving the kids. I can't, because 1)they'd freak out if I was there and they were here and 2) my husband has already called me to tell me that he's gonna be busy with the phosephate plants, so who would watch them? ACK!
-------------------- You know you're a hurricane freak when you wake up in the morning and hit "REFRESH" on CFHC instead of the Snooze Button.