Hey HankFrank - looking forward to spending another season wtih ya'. But hey, seems like most of the feedback has been pretty positive - no flack. Even our biggest first-hand expert - Frank P, didn't come down on me. I'm probably as surprised as you that no one has berated me for what I posted. But then again, if must of us weren't enthusiasts, we wouldn't be drawn to and participating on this site anyway.
This weekend should prove to be pretty interesting. I haven't had time to check last night's model runs or the new sat loops, but I'm thinking the system is going to form a little SSW of the southern tip of Florida which could well mean that the peninsula is going to get some much needed rainfall in the Sunday-Tuesday period depending on how things progress. I'll be back with more later.
Btw, thanks sweetp. I didn't mean to speak for anyone else, but I see we're kindred spirits.
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