Thanks for the "opening" salvo Mike...looking forward to another great year on CFHC.
I expect we'll see a number of the reg'lars making their first posts of the year advance a "shout out" to those just checkin' in...I guess they will be letting Frank P. out of the WPP so in advance...Frank P. wat up?
i have seen the future of cfhc in the forthcoming "met blog" (new forum) Mike will be intro'ing in the near future...this will be a most excellent new feature, and there are others to come...just to whet everyone's whistle... action (thankfully) for a while, but we'll be right on top of it when anything does perk up...
after "The Season From Hell", i hope and pray this year will yield TS landfallers and CAT V fish spinners...
Welcome to the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season...
Cheers & Peace,
LI Phil
-------------------- 2005 Forecast: 14/7/4
"If your topic ain't tropic, your post will be toast"
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