Quote: Those of you alive in the early 70's will remember that a LOT of climate scientists were trumpting the fact we were definately headed into a new "Ice Age"...now we are hearing nothing but "Global Warming is a known fact". If you make a wild enough claim, I can pretty much guarantee that you can find a scientist somewhere that will back it up!
I was born in the 70s, so I guess I missed all of the ice age propaganda, but who's to say that ice ages and global warming are not related? Climate change is a very complicated issue, full of many feedback mechanisms. One look at a historical plot of CO2 and temperature data (see attached) will show that if CO2 and temperature both rise 'high enough' feedback will kick in and cause a decrease in both. So, ice ages, global warming, it's all related.... You're right though... you can find reseachers and data to support several positions on any matter.... That's because the Earth is so damn complex!
Anyway, the reason I was originally going to post was to state that I received my first automatic email from the NHC today... So, if you want to fill you inbox this season and not have to constantly go to the nhc site, be sure to sign up today for automatical updates..... go to: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/signup.shtml
I agree with everyone else in that I'm looking for an active season, but no landfall! I love to look at sat images of well defined storms, but I can definitely do without the destruction. In fact, my 3 1/2 year old is scared to death about hurricanes.... I guess maybe he shouldn't watch documentaries on National Geographic that show houses falling down. During the bad rainstorm this weekend, he was worried that our house would get destroyed.... Not good at all!
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