Greetings to all again in 2005! It's nice to read some familiar posters once again, though I can't say I'm all that glad to be looking another storm season dead in the eyes.
At least this year I have a Bachelor's Degree under my belt that I didn't have last year - though since it's in Mathematics there's little I can do for anyone unless you have an integral or differential to work out.
On the positive side, I still have the code for my hurricane hunter recon decoder program lying on the hard drive, and if necessary, I'll do whatever recoding work on it needed to get it working right for this season. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I won't need to dust it off - especially because this will also be my first year as a teacher, so I don't need to deal with storm closures, either!
Good luck to us all, and once again, nice seeing everyone on board for another year!
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