Regarding looking for signs of development or non-development as those of us in weary wet Florida, I have noticed this year that we have not had our usual flock of lovebugs. We usually get a multitude of those little carpaint eaters during the end of May and first of June. I have seen some without partners but they were not enthusiastic. We also get the next Swarm around September. Are the lovebugs missing here in Central Florida because we are not going to get hit, or are they missing because they know something we don't? I look at the birds, bees, and other nature signs to forecast the weather since my observations of them are not terribly mathematical and are more concrete. I know that last year before the storms, in June we all had a mess on our cars. In August, we had Charley, followed by the others.
-------------------- God commands. Laymen guess. Scientists record.
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