Oh don't worry... we showed the insurance guy a different version. We didn’t really prepare as we should have and we knew it (my dad is an old hurricane vet), and leaving the shutters open was a major boo boo. Actually, we opened them up a little so we could see well. Despite what could have happened, no damage occurred due to the shutters being open. They were not facing the wind (notice how we could stand on the front porch) during the first half of the storm, and the house was actually penetrated through the boarded-up side. Debris broke through the wood holding the door in, the door flew open, and wind came through the house and knocked the sliding glass door down on the porch where the shutters were open. Notice during the 2nd half we closed them, as the winds shifted. I put a disclaimer before the film, and I will reiterate again, “if a hurricane threatens your area, properly and completely board up, and better yet, leave. As far as it being insulting to me… don’t worry about it. It was awesome footage, was it not?
And, Markieb, if you have any problems downloading, please talk to MikeC, as he is in charge of the server. If Dennis just so happens to affect Punta Gorda or the surrounding area, I guarantee you, we will do things differently. Thank you for your concern. : ) Enjoy.
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