Colleen, sign me up for the Springer show... I know my wife would love to pound me on national TV regarding my insanity for storms.... One tradition I have is that every time the MS coast is threatened by a storm and evacuations are ordered, I always go to McDonalds and buy about a dozen or so cheeseburgers...
I usually stay in my house alone during the storms so I just pig out on burgers throughout the duration... Funny thing thought, I never buy cheeseburgers any other time...
Yeah I'm a definite candidate.... Lesson learned from Georges... My two fat basset hounds stayed with me, and eating the cheeseburgers drove em crazy as we all rode out the storm together in my house.. next storm I will have to increase my allotment to at least two dozen... for the dawgs of course...
Back to 91L... Convection is building off to the Northwest but is still several hundred miles away from center... wonder if the higher SSTs in gulf stream may be influencing the build up in that area? And if so, could this aid in some minor developing of this system as water temps off the coast and gulf stream are a several degrees higher than the center is presently located? I still don't expect much from either system though.
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