HEHEHE thats funny Frank , I do the same thing only I buy beer, lots of it . When Gabrielle came thru just south of here last September I had 8 cases of beer!!! And my black lab Duke was right there with me , { I kept his treats in the fridge in the garage. About 7:00 A.M. that morning I saw my neihbor out digging a trench away from her Florida room. It was flooding . So I told her to get back in the house and i would trench it and bag it. She did . And my buddy Duke was with me the whole time !! Pouring down rain wind from the NNE @ 60 to 70 MPH with stronger gust And of course the wife is still sleeping !!! anyways my neihbor drove to the store and bought me more BEER !! If I had known that I never would have let her go ot the store!!! Anyway my wife finally woke up when debris started hitting the windows . She said the usual "Im Insane" . Then she said I looked cute in my Mossy Oak Breakup Rain Gear !! Go figure Then she went back to bed !! Duke got a treat , and I had a few beers then took off down to the beach, with Duke of course !!! "MANS BEST FRIEND "
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