Here in Tallahassee, it is always hot and still, but the humidity has seeemed higher here this year too. Outside of this...When storms do develop, there seems to have been more cloud to ground lightning in Tallahassee than normal this year too. I wonder if Clark could comment on this. I lived in Charlotte County til 8 years ago and always noticed there just wasn't as much of that kind of lightning up here since I moved. Either way, I feel that humidity and lightning will have little effect on the course of '05 hurricanes. This state has just been fairly wet for the last 12 months. Lots of evaporation... P.S. Some may want to post bounty on me for saying this, but X-10 is still trying to offer it's typical evening stunt. Development or not, it just might be interesting to watch till something gobbles it up. Maybe something can be learned from that.
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