Quote: That UKMET thing is pretty alarming....I live ON the beach in St. Pete Beach. The other model this morning (I think CHC) that showed the storm essentially pivoting south of us, then heading north and staying close, was bad enough, but it seemed to be the only one of the models doing that. Now the UKMET looks even worse from my perspective.
If Katrina is moving across the state, toward the GOM, then it is pushed north and west by something...what are your thoughts about how strong that push in the Gulf is going to be? I'm going to have to make a call on shutters or not in a day or so, and the main factor is going to be whether the storm takes a gentle turn in GOM (it passes south of us, then moves west into the Gulf before heading north) or takes a hairpin boomerang turn that put it very near, or right on top of me, TWICE in the same day or so...
All the while over land and maybe 45 mph? worse case west coast is if it comes ashore like in naples then goes out about 50 miles then turns back.
It has to be over the gulf for awhile to get back what it lost over land but i dont think the models have a good handle on it yet.
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