im devestated when i see all this makes me sick to see people looting, so stupid, eveyone needs help down there so don't go causing more damage and fighting over things that arent even yours.
You may think oh why is he soo devestated he lives on LI, my best friend moved to Pascagoula, MS, their home was pick up and dragged through their neighboors home, destroying them both. And i know other people down their, like my aunt and uncle. They have 4 kids and their grandparents live with them(my great grandparents). My great grandma passed away as flood waters came up drowning her and my great grandpa died from a heart attack. My g.gma's body is yet to be found. This is a horrific event, i feel guilty almost. I wish there was anything i could do.
-------------------- 2006 Atlantic Season Summary:
Bad, But Not AS Bad.
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