Londivar --- I saw that interview, too. Even the reporter was crying. "Take care of the kids..." and she let go of his hand as the house split in two. I believe that there will be many, many more stories like that before this is all said and done. My Mom was watching some show tonight when I was talking to her and she said that a Walmart in N.O. just told people: "Take whatever you want." What else are they supposed to do? These people are so used to having nothing that they WILL take anything. The strange part about it is they have no where to TAKE IT TO. Now, when people start shooting and beating up those that are trying to protect them? I say SHOOT. The hell with them. I can't see the Superdome situation getting any better either. Gotta run for a while, will check back in in about an hour. I have a very sick little boy, which is why I have not been able to get on as much as I wanted to.
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