Cruise Ships have a 12-20 foot draft. While Mississippi does suppport some cruise ships, (mostly those of a river boat nature) there are other issues (i.e. debris in the water, bridge heights if there are any, etc.) Given the fact that most cruise ships these days cost between around 3/4 million dollars, and that they book months in advance, it is doubtful that cruise lines would risk their investment, nor displace their passengers to accomodate something like this. Most are publicly held companies these days.. Though your idea would be a great idea under the proper situation.
Logistically, search, recovery, and aide, and utility companies are gonna have an awful time. First unlike many of the previous hurricanes, hotels in the area are completely booked, some of the damaged area is completely underwater, and truly a complete infrastructure needs to be built. I guess the first thing would be to get people food, water, the sick and injured to appropriate hospitals and care facilities, and people into shelters This along with more police and National guard presence and search and rescue. Secondly, insurance workers, FEMA, and SBA need to get into the area and start writing checks. Get people some money so they can start finding alternate places to live outside the disaster area. Third you would have to get the water under control and start pumping. Fourth potable water systems and sewer have to be fixed and the system decontaminated. Fourth, electrical grid needs to be fixed, replaced and power needs to be turned up for hospitals, police, fire, etc. Once this occurs, electrical workers can start restoring power.. In parallel airports, highways and etc. need to be repaired or rebuilt. Also cleanup, restoration of business, then residences.
What nightmare.
-------------------- Dream like you will live forever.. Live like there is no tommorow.. Darwin Rules !!
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