Quote: Sir/Madam, I was disgusted to hear Germany's Environment Minister, Herr Tritten, balme the United States for the horrible disaster in the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and others. How can the German government insinuate such an absurd statement? Your government owes the United States, the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and all the people affected by this disaster a sincere apology. The comments by Herr Tritten were mean-spirited and simply unnecessary at such a time as this, when hundreds, maybe thousands, have died in unimaginable conditions. If Germany doesn't apologize, you will find a lot of negative feelings and animosity toward Germany. Furthermore, such a tactless bureaucrat as Herr Tritten should be removed from his office, as he is clearly unable to fulfill his duties in a civilized fashion. Is this how Germany thanks the United States for everything they have done for your country over the decades? If not, nothing less than Herr Tritten's removal from office and Germany's sincere apology will satisfy this Floridian. Regards,
Kudos to BT for the idea.
[edit] Whoops, I did a typo in the letter. Oh well... you said that with more class than i'd bother to show. rude hand gestures is about all i can muster. -HF
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