That is so sad. People come first, and that is the worst part, the loss of life, but also so many beautiful and charming places. Ocean Springs had all those beautiful tiny historic homes in that downtown area...and the Walter Inglis Museum! I often thought I would like to eventually move to either Ocean Springs or Bay St Louis/Pass Christian area, to be living in an area where there was a thriving artist community. And all the beautiful oak trees on the drive along Hwy 90, along the entire coast.
Except for the casinos (which I think ruined Harrison County) the coast was beautiful.
I realized last night though that as horrible as things are now, and as inconceivable as the cleanup is, that it will be cleaned up, and people will rebuild. It will take years though, and I think after we get past the first year, a long-term economic plan for the entire area. I think now that the country will really be surprised at the determination of the coastal communities to get back on their feet. What was I thinking yesterday. Of course people will rebuild.
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