According to Miles O'Brien in Biloxi, the state death toll due to Katrina has risen unofficially to 130. All the casinos in Biloxi have been destroyed and according to CNN, 80-90% of bulidings in Gulfport and Biloxi have either been severly damaged or destroyed.
Also on CNN, Fox News Channel and AP, they are planning to take all the evacuees to the Astrodome by "any means possible". They are showing the USS Shreveport leaving Norfolk, Va right now heading for the gulf coast with supplies and water for the survivors there.
Also, a number of radio stations here are doing events or sending people to the Atlanta Red Cross Headquarters for information on donations and to volunteer. I do know that one of Clear Channel's afternoon hosts Pete Davis said on air yesterday that he is going to volunteer for a couple of weeks using his vacation time.
Also, have heard that ALL radio stationsin New Orleans area regardless of who owns them are simulcasting WWL-AM as well as pooling all their resources to help out.
Finally, on the Drudge Report website, there may be a presidntial address tonight to talk about the tragedy as well as a call for energy conservation.
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