Quote: All the coast of Mississippi has been wiped clean......completely.... Entire coast of Mississippi...all the beautiful Antebellum homes....GONE....just sad......depressing...
Well you know what, I was thinking about that this morning.
And people who are not from the South aren't aware of the deep connection to local history, but I was thinking that aside from the sadness of the loss of life and property, the thing that is going to hurt people of the coast in their hearts is the loss of the history.
All along the MS coast were homes that had lasted 150 years. You live there and you think, well nothing is going to come along that will knock those down because they've been here for 150 years and survived all those hurricanes.
I think it is the loss of the beauty and charm and history that is going to hurt. Nobody down there wants some spanking new modernized coastline; they want back what they had.
I am so sad thinking about it. Every time I went back to visit I would be so happy to take a drive down Hwy 90 for the day. Of course the casinos in Harrison County were an eyesore, but other than that the coast had remained remarkably the same as it was when I was growing up. Now a vital part of what made the coast what it is, is just gone.
I am real happy to see that a lot of the old oaks are still standing, even right behind Hwy 90! I hope they live. For about 24 hours I thought the coast was done and then I snapped back to my senses. Of course it will come back because the people who live there are not the kind of people to walk away; it is their home, and there is no other place in the US that is like the south, and so they will rebuild it.
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