Hi, to all I've just signed up after a week of using your site for Hurricane information Firstly I'd like to say I'm saddened by all your losses of life and hoping mother nature will be kinder in the future But I need to let you know that people in Australia (and I guess other countries) get there information on these events from your main stream media and they have been telling us (up to about now) that katrina's impact only caused some flooding and roof damage One of my friends even told me he herd a report on TV from CNN the Katrina was over-hyped? I think this is why it has taken us and other countries so long to respond to this disaster I don’t watch any TV or listen to radio, and all my information has come from you guys here (And a great job you are doing too) Now that the truth is filtering thou, people are shocked (and finally believing what I've been telling them) and will be trying to help in any way possible
Anyway I hope my post is suitable for this dissuasion
I am hoping the storms will be Lesser in the coming month and years for you We are expecting a more intense cyclone season this year and next and are hoping we don’t get a Katrina
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