Here's a story for you from Atlanta. My boss was telling me today that he was in line for gas yesterday and the price was posted on the sign at $3.19 for regular unleaded. After a 30-minute wait in line the people were finding out that the price listed on the pump was actually $7.99 a gallon. Egad. My boss said that the proprietor, a Middle-Eastern fellow (which certainly did not work in his favor with the particular flavor of crowd at the gas station), had to lock the doors and cover the windows to hide from the customers, many of whom had pulled guns. The man is lucky he is still alive.
Of course, he has now completely destroyed his own business as no one in their right mind would ever frequent that particular gas station again.
The highest price I've seen with my own eyes is $3.99, but that was down to $3.29 this evening.
Yep, we are getting gouged. Especially since the gas being sold by the gas stations was bought by them before the hurricane!
Brian ---------------
Quote: I heard the BP station that had there gas for 6.00 was going to be fined. That was in Georgia and the gov. was furious. Someone posted last night they are going to be fined 10,000 per occurance
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