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Weather Hobbyist

Posts: 75
Loc: San Francisco/Green Valley, AZ
Re: You are not alone
      Fri Sep 02 2005 01:38 PM

1. Concerning European astonishment at our lack of preparedness, that's a combination of 2 things I think. First of all is Federalism. Here we leave a lot to the states and Lousiana has been known for a very long time as one of the least competent states at that sort of thing. Curiously, perhaps, to a Frenchman, here with a bit of Anglo-Saxon snobbery, that has been blamed on their Gallic (or "latin") heritage--viewed as a sort of "live for today, let tomorrow take care of itself" attitude. Secondly, there is the Federal responsibility. I don't want to get in trouble here, so I'll simply refer you to for an example of what people are beginning to say (and Sullivan, if you don't know him, is a British expatriot who, until recently, was a Conservative).

2. As to your lifestyle (walk/train/motorcycle), fascinating. I live part of the year in San Francisco which many people here think of as a "European" style city, and when I'm here, I pretty much live just as you describe. I live downtown and can/do walk to many shops and restaurants. When I travel around the city, I take a bus (monthly pass $45), subway, streetcar or one of our well-known "cable cars". If I go to a supermarket or a distant part of town I have a Honda 250cc scooter (gets about 15 miles per liter). So, in truth, I am not terribly much affected directly by the price of gas. I didn't even bother to fill the scooter's tank ahead of the likely price increases. I can get around perfectly well on the bus if I have to and it doesn't much matter if it costs me $5 instead of $3 to fill the scooter's tank (I fill it about twice a month). But my lifestyle is unusual and I am 60 years old. I'm not terribly sure how much longer I will be able to walk as much as I do or ride the scooter (even now, I worry if my aging body would be able to take even a minor crash).

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* You are not alone Old European Fri Sep 02 2005 01:38 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone DebbiePSL   Thu Sep 01 2005 12:06 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Thu Sep 01 2005 12:55 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone DebbiePSL   Thu Sep 01 2005 01:27 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Ryan   Thu Sep 01 2005 04:35 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Thu Sep 01 2005 07:40 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone BTfromAZ   Thu Sep 01 2005 10:47 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Fri Sep 02 2005 05:05 AM
. * * Re: You are not alone BTfromAZ   Fri Sep 02 2005 01:38 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Fri Sep 02 2005 02:35 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone BTfromAZ   Fri Sep 02 2005 02:47 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Sun Sep 04 2005 07:30 AM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Sun Sep 04 2005 07:59 AM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Thu Sep 01 2005 07:44 PM

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