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General Discussion >> Disaster Forum

Old European

Re: You are not alone
      Fri Sep 02 2005 02:35 PM

Thks for the info.

We have also on this side of the pond some federal countries (Germany, Switzerland...) and I know what it can come to. For instance the last weeks, Germany introduced a new official version of writing german, and this has not been adopted by two of the "Länder", leading to have to print two sets of schoolbooks !!!

I have been reading on some forums where people vent a little (which I think is useful...) and I have read how it works (or should I say how it is supposed to work) between local , state and federal authorities. Sure if you put this in the light of communications chaos, it doesn't help. However, I have seen live on local TV Channels streaming on the net the local authorities crying for help since the levees broke on Monday. I would think this kind of situation would clear some paperwork. Also maybe including the FEMA in the huge Homeland Security Dept, whith new goals set towards aftermath of terrorist attacks added to the length of the process ?

FYI, I just watched both French and German news (I happen to also speak german...) and on both the reporters said they have been shocked by the presidential "show" in Biloxi earlier today, with helos and forces coming all at once when noone had been seen before, and specially in a place where there is no vital urgency, all people being out of what is left of the town...

I am now still a young guy of 54 , and don't hesitate to ride my chopper my any weather ( outside snow, but not very often here...)

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* You are not alone Old European Fri Sep 02 2005 02:35 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone DebbiePSL   Thu Sep 01 2005 12:06 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Thu Sep 01 2005 12:55 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone DebbiePSL   Thu Sep 01 2005 01:27 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Ryan   Thu Sep 01 2005 04:35 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Thu Sep 01 2005 07:40 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone BTfromAZ   Thu Sep 01 2005 10:47 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Fri Sep 02 2005 05:05 AM
. * * Re: You are not alone BTfromAZ   Fri Sep 02 2005 01:38 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Fri Sep 02 2005 02:35 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone BTfromAZ   Fri Sep 02 2005 02:47 PM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Sun Sep 04 2005 07:30 AM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Sun Sep 04 2005 07:59 AM
. * * Re: You are not alone Old European   Thu Sep 01 2005 07:44 PM

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