I am going to be keeping a close eye on this storm for various reasons: 1) We are leaving on the autotrain out of Sanford on Thursday to go to D.C. I don't know what trains do when there is a TS or TD just off the coast. Anyone know? 2) My mother and my f-i-l will be here watching the kids for a week. The last thing they need to deal with is a problem storm, but I think I'm far enough to the west that it will be just a rain event. 3) We are taking one car and 5 motorcycles back from D.C. through NC, GA, and Florida. I sure hope this doesn't end up in the mountains. Argh! At this point, between glitches with the trip, a storm sitting off the EC of Florida and other things, I'm beginning to wonder if someone's trying to tell me something! Maybe I should not BE in D.C. on 9/11.
Someone can tell me to take a deep breath at anytime. Please. My nerves are shot.
I did hear Dr. Steve Lyons at 9:15pm or so say it's "drifting" to the NNW. Please keep going N....follow Nate and Maria!
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