Thoughts on TD 16 & its future track posted to the blog. Think the NHC track is a pretty good one unless the system continues to "move"/reform further to the north, bringing about an increased likelihood of capture & recurvature very close to the coastline. Intensity forecast looks pretty good as well, but I think the intensification will come more in bursts than in a gradual strengthening. Might peak near or just above minimal hurricane intensity, but that's about all the interaction with land and the midlatitudes will allow.
Feature in the W. Gulf bears watching, but it needs time to stick around and spin-up something at the surface and I'm not convinced it has that time. It's a Texas/Mexico threat no matter what happens. Might warrant an invest in a day or so.
And as a final note on Katrina, the New Orleans radar came back up today as Slidell starts to rebuild and regain electricity. It's a nice beacon to see, I guess.
More as time permits, though I'll likely leave things to the others with a bit more time for the next day or so. Have a good night, all.
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