I called New Iberia and I'm sticking with it. (Actually, I said Iberia/St. Mary Parishes) which are in SC-SW LA. I don't buy into the LA/TX border scenario, but obviously if Lili is heading NW at 15mph, it's not going to slow down and recurve, she's going to march. In any event, New Iberia is somewhat south of Lafayette and much closer to the coast. I don't think those guys have seen a storm in quite a while, whereas neighboring St. Mary Parish, got inundated with Andrew Part Deux.
If my landfall call was right, everyone between Lake Charles and Harrison Co. should have some effect. I think it's going to be different in New Orleans than Isidore was. For Isidore, we had 2 day rainfall totals > 20" in a large portion of the metro area. I don't see 'rainfall' flooding with Lili, but a real live shot at some serious tidal flooding cannot be ignored. Additionally, there should be massive power outages along with many more tornadoes (especially east of landfall) and much more wind.
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