Wilma seems to have slowed a bit, but that's often hard to tell from watching a few satellite frames. The sharper NW turn that had been forecasted, and I honestly was expecting to happen, still hasn't occured. Looking at the WV loops I think Wilma makes it even a bit further west before she starts on a true NW heading. The 1st trough pushing through is a bit north than where I thought it would be, and it's still a bit out to the west. Even if Wilma slows down I think she continues a movement a little more west than north. In the short term I think this means she comes in contact with the Yucatan Peninsula further south than what the NHC is forecasting right now. For 36hrs from about 8am/18th to 8pm/19th she tracked just about twice as far west as she did north. Over the last 12hrs she's moved even further west than that.
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