remember, single model run does not, a definite change make. The Models are very confused at this point, and we'll just have to see what happens, it's a hurry up and wait situation. You can see where there is a weakness almost due north of the storm if you turn on the MSLP tab on the floater. and you can also see the storm starting to hesitate. no definitive answer yet, but I think there is a gradual turn beginning. We'll know more in about 6 hours.
Also, I noticed someone mentioned it earlier, but had no response, there is something at about 11N 55W that seems to be kicking up a little fuss, it doesn't have a closed circulation, but looking at the quikscat, there is a definite low level twist. I know upper level winds 'aren't favorable for development' but it looks pretty good for 'disorganized' Any thoughts on what I'm not seeing with that one? Certainly i would think it'd warrent an invest of some sort.
-------------------- M. S. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech - May 2020
U. Arizona PhD Student
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