Don't worry about what people think when you're putting up shutters etc. I got some comments last year putting up plywood before Charley.. "it's only a cat 1" "You must be new to FL" etc.etc.
Much better to secure your property now so you can worry about yourself and family if the storm heads in your direction. Complacency is much worse than overpreperation. As long as you're in the cone you might as well prepare.
Oh and a piece of advice.. If you have a satellite dish and/or conventional TV antenna you may want to take those down at some point. They don't do well in winds and you'll appreciate having them after the storm passes. For Charley my dish was bent beyond repair and my antenna flew away never to be seen again. Once caveat, satellite dishes need to be "peaked" for reception which takes some knowledge so consider that before taking it down . Good forum for satellite info
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