Quote: I am not a met so I wont forcast not to mention that this storm is a pain in figuring out what she's gonna do. We (at my house in port orange) have been ready for months. I just add some snacks to the cabinet at the last minute. We have our generator from last year, the pool has been lowered, the food is stocked so only left would be board the windows, which from what i see now wouldnt be necessary, unless Wilma doesnt weaken like they expect. Unfortunately all we can do now is wait and watch the models trend one way or another and come together after she exits the yucatan. That is when we will know. The GFDL is now showing the storm coming off fl between NSB and MELB area which is surely subject to change. Keep an eye out especially after the Yucatan cuz the possibility for stalling or running quickly exists. peace
Thanks! My family is also as ready as can be, but we do live on the water (on the Turnbull Bay Creek) and we did have some really nasty tornadoes last year with Charley so we are keeping a very close watch on this one. But then, considering how we have been spared this year and how much suffering others have had we really, really, cannot complain.
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