Quote: All the mets here in Tampa are stating that they believe that the point of landrfall will more likely to be further north (in Ft. Myers) than what the current forecast is showing. They are basing this opinion on the last 24 hours of modell runs from the GFS and the GFDL. I believe that I read earlier on that the 11pm forecast track was shifted a tad north. In Polk County, we are now under a TS Wind Warning. I think this is because the cold front and Hurricane Wilma will be clashing with eatch other. Of course, it will be much worse on the beaches....I sincerely hope that those in the direct path of this storm will not see devastating effects. Colleen
Sorry to tell you but i watched channel 13 and channel 8 and BOTH said and i quote delgatto on ch 13 i feel very good and confident about a naples landfall and channel 8 said Ft myers to Naples and your guy on 11 was ft myers so sorry to correct you but that was a wrong statement.
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