You just cannot be sanguine. We live in the Keys and went to bed with the best assurances of NHC et al, that Katrina was going to just zip right acros the mainland and into the GUlf and go its merry way. We were awakened at three a.m. by a god-awful ruckus, saying "Holy doo-doo (or words to that effect) what in blue blazes is that?". Turned on the 'puter and it wound up that Katrina had suddenly jogged south and was on our doorstep. Imagine our surpirse, if you will, when a tree fell on our roof and another was uprooted, taking out our front porch. One cannot blame the NHC or TWC or even Joe Bastardi (much as the temptation is there for the latter). We turned on the tube, expecting the latest alarmist report and discovered there was a tornado spotted 7 mi. SE of us moving to the northwest. Now any of you familiar with the topography of the Keys knows that basements are not an option, the cap rock being about all of six inches beneath your feet. So, we sat in our mobile home, huddled in terror just waiting for the end. The moral of the story is too-fold: The road to hell actually IS paved with good intentions as the NHC did (and ALWAYS does) its best; but, in the words of the immortal legend Yogi Berra," it ain't over 'til it's over" icon9 This is me apologizing for the length of this post..
-------------------- Some you win, some you lose; some get rained out
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