Quote: No obvious changes here except for the Inner Eyewall notation. Line " I " , the temperature outside the Eye has warmed by 2degC over the last 72minutes.
2 questions regarding that -
1. Am I correct in assuming that implys weakening rather than strenghtening - colder temps = stronger correct? It varies from storm to storm, but this would mean that the air outside the Eye had warmed by 2degC.~danielw 2. After yesterdays crash course in reading these reports, I notice that this one shows an increase in Flight Level winds from 70 something last night at midnightish to 95 this morning - this seems like a significant difference. Is it not a big deal because it is expected that it would be higher on the south side of the storm than the north slide (which is where I think last nights measuement was from)
If you are reading the Vortex reports. An increase from 70 to 90 is fairly important. Read-strenghtening. Otherwise the wind speed increase would have to be in the same lat/long area as the previous one (my opinion only)~danielw
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