I call it the cone of stupidity. Because, we know that Charley changed course at the last minute it seems. Also, I want to remind people that there are 70 miles in one degree of longitude and that you should do the math for your area if you know your lattitude and longitude. Remember that hurricanes do not stop at traffic lights nor follow construction curves around cities. So if your concept of distance from one point to another is based on car miles, then your arithmetic may mislead you.The storm has not finished developing yet and the final word from the NHC has not been said. There is still approximately 18 hours to go before the storm will be near Florida, unless she picks up speed greater than 8 miles per hour. I believe the NHC guidance is the best we have, and I also believe that the only reason some local meterologists are not working there is because the government isn't hiring right now. But, we have fine people guiding us and you can tell by the comments and the researchable knowledge that they are telling us the best information we can get.
-------------------- God commands. Laymen guess. Scientists record.
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